Angular vs AngularJS: Differences You Are Not Aware!

Alen K.
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

If you are a beginner in web application development, then you might have a question — What’s the actual difference between Angular vs AngularJS?

Angular is an open-source TypeScript based web application framework. Its led by a community of individuals at Google and corporations. This framework originated in 2009, and now in 2022, it has shown a great response from the developer’s community.

Hence the Angular team created a strategy to upgrade it and build a more sustainable framework. That’s how AngularJS came to life. An upgraded version of Angular.

In this article, we will be discussing the key differences between Angular vs AngularJS.

Comparing Angular and AngularJS

As AngularJS is the revamped version of Angular, they both share some common characteristics. Here are key factors that differentiate Angular and AngularJS:


AngularJS uses Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. In this design pattern, the web application is divided into three distinct components:

-Model: That manages backend and stores data

-View: Displays data in front-end

-Controller: Controls and requests data

While Angular also replicates the MVC architecture to an extent with templates as view and directive and components as controller. In Angular ngModules helps you assemble code chunks according to their functionality, leading to better abstraction.


For AngularJS, Directives assists you to add defined behavior to components of DOM and extend the HTML. Using Directives, one can also create custom directives as per need.

While Angular also has ng prefix, you have to use them with a totally different method. For Angular Directives are categorized into three classes: Structural Directives, Attribute Directives, Component Directives.

Data Binding

When comparing Angular JS vs Angular data binding has a major role. Because of the two-way data binding feature, Angular JS has reduced the time and process.

On the other hand, Angular provides various data binding techniques that include event binding, property binding, class binding, and many more.

Wrapping Up

The modern versions of AngularJS i.e. Angular 2/4/5/6, have various features, but many developers are still using AngularJS to develop small web apps. Angular is indeed a great framework, but AngularJS has things developers were seeking.

You can take advice from a top AngularJS development company that builds robust web apps using AngularJS. Otherwise its really worth having knowledge of the features that AngularJS has to offer.



Alen K.

Technology Consultant | 5+ years of experience in IT Consulting and Software Development